The coastal town of Roscoff holds an exceptional history of corsairs, pirates, kings and queens. Even the six-year-old Mary, Queen of Scots, having been betrothed to the Dauphin François set foot in Roscoff ! And remember the british television serie Poldark ? Well, episode three takes Ross on a perilous journey to France where he lands at the coastal port of Roscoff in order to launch a search for his missing friend Doctor Enys.
Roscoff is not big, but there is so much to see ! So instead of rushing up, snapping a quick picture and running away again to the next must-see sight, it's worth taking the time to explore the heritage of the town by following Roscoff Heritage Trail, an ideal family walk (about 1h30 - 4km). Each interpretative signs have been translated into english. The Heritage Trail leaflet is available for free at the Tourist Information Centre of Roscoff.Download the map of the heritage trail in Roscoff