Useful information about transport in Roscoff: timetables for bus, car and bicycle rentals, list of taxis ...

Bus lines from Roscoff

From the ferry terminal, the bus lines 25 and 29 drop you off either in Roscoff town centre ("Quai d'Auxerre" stop), or another city.

Driving in France

Here is a little reminder about the main rules when driving in France.

Taxi in Roscoff

How to get a taxi in Roscoff?

Car Hire in Roscoff

How to rent a car in Roscoff ? There is no rental agency in Roscoff however a car may be delivered directly at the ferry terminal. Several car rental agencies located in Morlaix offer this service.

Sea links : Roscoff, UK, Ireland

Brittany Ferries is the ferry company linking Roscoff to the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain.

Bicycle Hire

Looking to hire or travel with your bicycle?